Prep Your Home and Auto Before Holiday Travel

December 20, 2016

With the holidays just a few days away, many people will begin traveling to see friends and family.  Homes will be left unoccupied, and vehicles will be put through winter weather driving.  Take some time to prepare both your home and your vehicle for your holiday trip.


Prep your Home

Homes left unattended can attract burglars.  Discourage thieves by making it look as though you are still home:

  • Have your mail held for delivery.
  • Put a light on a timer along with a radio or TV to make noise.
  • Install motion-activated lighting outside your home.
  • Inform a neighbor you will be leaving, and give them your contact information.
  • Ask a friend or neighbor to park in your driveway occasionally, take your garbage bins to the road on garbage day, and either mow the grass or shovel the walkway depending on the weather.
  • Notify your home security company that you’ll be away from home.

Returning from a trip to find damage to your home is another unfortunate possibility.  Take measures ahead of time to protect your home from fire or flood damage:

  • Turn down the heat on the thermostat.  Don’t turn off the heat altogether as pipes can freeze.
  • Unplug unnecessary appliances and electronics.
  • Turn off the water supply to your home.
  • Check smoke alarms.

Prep your Auto

With your home ready for your trip, it’s time to ready your vehicle.  Winter weather can be particularly stressful on a vehicle, and by taking these precautions, you can reduce the chances of car trouble on the road:

  • Get a check-up with professionals.  Make sure you are up-to-date on routine maintenance.
  • Check the air pressure and the tread on your tires.  Driving on underinflated tires and/or worn tread can be dangerous.
  • Have your battery tested, and replace if necessary.
  • Check your windshield wipers, and replace if you find signs of deterioration.
  • Check your antifreeze level.
  • Pack your vehicle with some emergency supplies:
    • An ice scraper and snow brush
    • Windshield washer fluid
    • Jumper cables
    • A flashlight and extra batteries
    • A blanket

Make sure to call your insurance agent to discuss your current coverage.  Is your home or vehicle covered in the case of an accident?  What should you do if an accident occurs while you’re away?  Your agent can help you be prepared to answer these questions should the scenario arise.

With your home and vehicle ready for your trip, you can relax and enjoy the holidays while traveling.



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